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Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 10 years, 2 months ago

Texas Association of School Library Administrators


TASLA: Prezi Presentation (June 2011) 



General Handout - .doc


The Chinese Farmer Story: http://www.rogerdarlington.co.uk/stories.html#Story4


Washington Library Media Association - An advocacy initiative that is working


20% of the TASLA participants didn't have Internet connectivity during the session. In order to include everyone's vote, the poll was conducted the old-fashioned way (heads down/eyes closed/hands raised) rather than on Polldaddy:


Which role has the most potential to ensure the future of school librarians?


Leader: 24

Instructional Partner: 15

Information Specialist: 11

Teacher: 17

Program Administrator: 0


67 voting


Note: Polldaddy poll was removed because it was incomplete.


TASLA 2010 Presentation: http://txsljobdescription.pbworks.com

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